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Grand Valley State University is committed to creating and advancing a campus community where individuals feel empowered to raise concerns, ask for help, and be informed about options before making any decisions.

When you are ready to talk, we are ready to listen

Our team works to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all individuals who seek services through our office.  We understand that your GVSU experience may be impacted, and we’re able to provide assistance through supportive measures, or campus modifications, designed to protect your safety and preserve or restore your ability to participate in GVSU’s programs and activities. 

Some individuals prefer a supportive response only, others choose to request a university investigation, and some choose both.  We’re here to help inform your decision and which path feels right for you.   

We invite you to an informational meeting with a member of our team to discuss your options and how we may be able to assist.  Neither reporting to our office nor discussing with a member of our team obligates a course of action.  The choice to file a formal complaint with GVSU is yours to make. 

You may also choose to make a report with the Grand Valley Police Department, and we can assist in making a connection.

If you are experiencing an emergency, contact 911.

You can report an incident to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX through our online reporting form, by phone at (616) 331-9530, or by contacting a member of our team.

You may also choose to report the incident to the Grand Valley Police Department by calling (616) 331-3255.

Access Support
& Resources

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct (including sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, bullying, endangerment, hazing, and retaliation)

If you have experienced, witnessed, or been impacted by discrimination, harassment, or misconduct (including sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, bullying, endangerment, hazing, and retaliation), our office can assist in finding the options that feel right for you.

You are encouraged to report the incident through our online reporting form or by contacting a member of our team.

Title IX Coordinator
[email protected]

In the absence of the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) will assume all responsibility for compliance relative to Title IX.

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

4015 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-9530

Additional Reading: Regulations and Statutes

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that all entities receiving federal funds or financial assistance prohibit sex-based discrimination and sexual misconduct in their education programs and activities. 

Title IX states no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education programming or activity. 

  • Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of their real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. 
  • Female, male, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff are protected from any sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence. 

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 amends the Student Assistance General Provisions regulations issued under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), to implement the changes made to the Clery Act by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA).

The 2020 Title IX Regulations amend the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). The final regulations specify how recipients of Federal financial assistance covered by Title IX must respond to allegations of sexual harassment consistent with Title IX's prohibition against sex discrimination. These regulations are intended to effectuate Title IX's prohibition against sex discrimination by requiring recipients to address sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination in education programs or activities.

The final regulations obligate recipients to respond promptly and supportively to persons alleged to be victimized by sexual harassment, resolve allegations of sexual harassment promptly and accurately under a predictable, fair grievance process that provides due process protections to alleged victims and alleged perpetrators of sexual harassment, and effectively implement remedies for victims. The final regulations also clarify and modify Title IX regulatory requirements regarding the intersection between Title IX, Constitutional protections, and other laws, the designation by each recipient of a Title IX Coordinator to address sex discrimination including sexual harassment, the dissemination of a recipient's non-discrimination policy and contact information for a Title IX Coordinator, the adoption by recipients of grievance procedures and a grievance process, and prohibition of retaliation for exercise of rights under Title IX.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment practices that discriminate because of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) and religion.

Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act is an act in Michigan that defines civil rights; prohibits discriminatory practices, policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights based upon religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status; preserves the confidentiality of records regarding arrest, detention, or other disposition in which a conviction does not result; prescribes the powers and duties of the civil rights commission and the department of civil rights; provides remedies and penalties; provides for fees; and repeals certain acts and parts of acts.

Grand Valley State University does not discriminate against students, faculty or staff in any of its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities. Grand Valley State University is guided by values for inclusiveness and community which are integral to our mission to empower learners in their pursuits, professions, and purpose, and to enrich the community through excellent teaching, active scholarship, and public service.

The University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. Members of the University community, including candidates for employment or admissions, and visitors or guests, have the right to be free from acts of harassment and discrimination, which are prohibited if they discriminate or harass on the basis of age, color, disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, veteran or active duty military status or weight. In addition, Grand Valley is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that none of its education programs and activities discriminate on the basis of sex/gender. Sex includes sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status.  

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX serves as a resource for the GVSU community and assists individuals who may have been impacted by discrimination or harassment in connecting with resources, imposes measures that protect or support access to programs and activities, and oversees the university’s grievance process for allegations of discrimination and harassment.

Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, 4015 James H. Zumberge Hall, [email protected], (616) 331-9530.

Page last modified September 17, 2024